*By purchasing tickets you agree to follow the below guidelines. Failure to do so may result in being refused entry or being removed from the venue with no refunds being issued.
**Please follow up to the FAQ page for more guidance.
We’re excited to welcome you to our event! In line with UK Government guidance — there will be a number of measures in place to keep everyone safe. Please read below:
Please do not attend if you are showing symptoms of COVID-19 or have been asked to self-isolate.
Please wear a mask when travelling to, and queuing for the venue. Guests who won’t be wearing masks will be removed from the queue and not allowed entry into the venue and their tickets won’t be refundable.
All groups/tables must arrive together.
All guests will be asked to use provided hand sanitiser upon entry to the venue. Refusing to do so may result in being removed from the venue.
ID required and will be scanned upon entry (no ID no entry, ID must be a photo ID, valid and within date).
Please aim to arrive 30 minutes before the start of your session, so we can get everyone into the venue safely and please keep a 1-metre distance from other groups while queuing and at all times.
Please have your tickets ready to be scanned on your phones.
There is a one-way flow system throughout the venue to comply with social distancing regulations, and mitigate any risk of transmission — please follow the signage!
There will be staff stewards to answer any questions and make sure everyone observes safe practices.
Handwashing facilities are in all toilets and there are several sanitiser stations set up around the venue - please make use of them!
All food and drink will be ordered at your table and delivered to you. There will be no service at bars.
Payments will be card only, and contactless where possible.
Toilets will be cleaned regularly during a session and thoroughly cleaned between each session.
The venue will be sanitised between each session - so your table will be fresh and clean for your arrival.
All our staff will be trained to follow social distancing rules and provided with relevant PPE.
Booths and tables have been separated by at least 1m or by partitioning from other groups as a precaution for your safety.
Please don’t arrange to meet in larger groups than your table allows. Keep to your own table area. We cannot allow tables to join together. Guests not complying with these rules will be removed from the venue and their tickets won’t be refunded.
We have taken all possible precautions to make sure that groups can be safely separated and the venue facilities are safe — but we must rely on the judgement of customers with regards to the makeup of their groups. Please only attend in groups you are happy to comply with government advice and your own circumstances.
Finally, have fun and let loose - but please do respect everyone’s personal space, including fellow party-goers and our staff!